
A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger
A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger

A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger

She has re-made the acquaintance of a childhood friend, now Inspector Benjamin Ross, and with his help starts to investigate, risking her life to unearth the truth about the death of a girl whose fate seems interlinked with her own. But when the girl's body is found in the rubble of one of the recently demolished slums around the prestigious new railway station at St Pancras, Lizzie begins to wonder exactly what has been going on. Lizzie is intrigued to learn that her predecessor as companion disappeared, supposedly having run off with an unknown man. It is 1864 when Lizzie Martin takes up the post of companion to a wealthy widow who is also a slum landlord. This is a gripping Victorian crime novel set in the heart of London from a highly respected author. But when the girl's body is found in the rubble of one of the recently demolished slums around the prestigious new railway station at St Pancras, Lizzie begins to wonder exactly what has been going. etina (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) Español (es). This is a gripping Victorian crime novel set in the heart of London from a highly respected author. A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger, Sep 15, 2006, Magna Large Print Books edition, hardcover. A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger eBook (Digital Original) 8.49 8.99 Save 6 eBook 8.49 Audiobook 0.00 View All Available Formats & Editions Instant Purchase Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps.

A Rare Interest In Corpses by Ann Granger