I find it very hard to review these types of books I never studied English at university and often feel a sense of ‘imposter syndrome’ when trying to analyse something that’s deemed a modern masterpiece.

I lounge with glazed eyes, or weep tears of sheer weakness.” Therefore, I am not, and I wonder why no-one has noticed I am dead and taken the trouble to bury me. And if she is his present, I am not his present. Title: By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept They never married but Elizabeth bore George Barker four children and their relationship provided the impassioned inspiration for one of the most moving and immediate chronicles of a love affair ever written – ‘ By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept‘. Thus began one of the most extraordinary, intense and ultimately tragic love affairs of our time. Eventually they communicated directly and, as a result of Barker’s impoverished circumstances, Elizabeth Smart flew both him and his wife from Japan, where he was teaching, to join her in the United States. Synopsis: One day, while browsing in a London bookshop, Elizabeth Smart chanced upon a slim volume of poetry by George Barker – and fell passionately in love with him through the printed word. By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept