(Dudes with money just get away with stuff like disappearing a few too many employees because society lets them. The bad guys are almost cartoonishly evil but, annoyingly, reading this in the Trump era, that reads as more real than not. Zig isn’t a one-and-done partner and seems to be a good fit for Vic. Vic & Jacob went back to being nicer people with compassion rather than the judgmental jerks they were in the last installment that almost made me DNF that book & the series. The author is fine at wrapping up short cases but does well with the extra length to weave in major secondary/tertiary plots better than in the shorter format. The unexplained details may not matter for some, but having read from book one, I notice when offscreen characters and sore arms and such carry through without context. These could probably be read as standalones but a lot of detail is carried through without explanation for a new reader. New readers of the series should start at least 2 books back, if not at book one. (They aren’t effusive but that wouldn’t be them.) I just can’t say enough about this series and this duo – Jordan and Gomez. They are so cute together! And sexy! But watching them trust one another and “open up” to each other is so moving. The other piece is his relationship with Jacob. Now, he’s learning to harness his talent, rely less on pharmaceuticals, and really coming into his own. He started out all scattered and oblivious (and in oblivion) due to the meds. The other thing I’m now really starting to appreciate is the subtle changes we’re seeing in Vic.

I was listening to a part where Vic is describing a repeater and the combination of Gomez’ voice and Jordan’s words – I could absolutely picture the scene like I was watching a movie. Stefan as the phone s*x operator/car salesman – wonderful! Laura… each and every character. There are SO MANY CHARACTERS and he gives them each an original, accurate, and stunningly REAL personality here. He’s also – frickin’ hysterical! I know the books are fantastic, but as a listening experience – this book begins to really showcase the absolute brilliance that is Gomez Pugh. And we meet Con Dreyfuss – the head of the CPMP – and Vic’s new nemesis. But he’s definitely a fascinating character with an amazing talent. Dear ol Stefan – he seems like he’s a good guy right? Well… he is and he isn’t. (Really, and Jacob, Lisa, Crash…all the characters.) We’ve heard about Camp Hell but now we finally find out more about what really happened. This just keeps getting better and better! What makes this series so absolutely amazing is that not only is each book a satisfying “mystery” unto itself, but the relationship between Vic and Jacob progresses organically with each new book as does Vic’s personal evolution. This series keeps impressing the heck outta me!