
Charlie and the chocolate factory first edition
Charlie and the chocolate factory first edition

One thing lead to another and Dahl became my entrance to the arcane and odd hobby of collecting ‘first edition’ books. The answer was a decided yes and I started exploring the used book stores for copies of his earlier books, both for children and adults. Dahl had written anything else for children. It didn’t take long for me to wonder if Mr. The following year I was in the same store and came across another new Dahl offering called George’s Marvelous Medicine. Twit and their dismal behavior to each other was a big hit. As I expected, the story of the ridiculously awful Mr. Like many books for the young, it was possible to read right in the store and I enjoyed it so much that I purchased it.

charlie and the chocolate factory first edition charlie and the chocolate factory first edition charlie and the chocolate factory first edition

I came across a new publication entitled ‘The Twits’ by the English author Roald Dahl. In my earliest years of teaching, I found myself in a local bookstore looking for something to read to my class of ten year olds.

Charlie and the chocolate factory first edition